Red Onion: Prison Protest by Fire
“It’s similar to someone trying to get to a better plantation”
“It’s similar to someone trying to get to a better plantation”
Shaka makes a concrete call for convening a new radical student congress starting spring 2025.
The election was a referendum on the system, and the left needs to build a revolutionary force that can meet the mass desire for a new social order.
What does it say that prisoners are permanently scarring themselves not to get parole, but to get out of Red Onion?
WE step up for OUR organizations those that have proven by their actions and their practice that they represent for US.
Watch the 22nd Annual Gabriel Gathering, featuring Shaka’s statement on the continuity between the rebellion and today’s struggle.
A statement prepared for the 224th anniversary of the execution of the heroic Afrikans involved in Gabriel’s Rebellion.
In this statement, Shaka provides additional context behind the campaign to rightfully obtain his legal materials from BCC.